Pets Rescuer
What could be more fun and informative than hands-on experiences? 🌟
Part of our character building plan at Sahara is to increase our students' awareness and love for animals.🤍
Sahara Grade 2 students had an eye-opening experience when they visited Egypt Equine Aid in Saqqara. Founded by Mrs. Jill from Australia, this is a true sanctuary for horses and donkeys.✨
We went as well to Talya's Rescue Furbabies & co. that was founded by Mrs. Noha. The shelter houses 400 dogs & Animal Protection Foundation that Promote awareness, amongst children and youth and encourage role models who would become inspiring animal welfare leaders within their families, community, clubs and schools.
The students were spellbound and learned so much about why it is so important to treat all animals with compassion and care.🤗
The students engaged with lots of animals and were introduced to their stories and how these places changed these animals' lives.
We believe that students will never forget such a day.✨